Slovensky English

Service of professional forest manager

 Our company provides:

  • service of vocantional forest manager
  • consulting and realization during a setting up a new forest territory
  • consulting and realization during "education" forest growth
  • consulting and realization during an arranging and executing of extract, with a providing global technology of extraction. This all with great emphasis on expertise during providing a calamity extraction. 
  • supply of working forest material: seedlings of forest trees, fungicides, pesticides, herbicides, protection means of forest seedling against wild animals

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Our contacts:

Decurio, s.r.o.
02351 Raková 4000, SLOVAKIA
Phone No: +421 41/434 11 15
IČO: 36431893
IČ VAT: SK2022019868


Where you can find our company:

Look at the map, where you can find us.

GPS coordinates: 49.4207500N, 18.7255556E



Quick contact: +421 903 630 597